When I Think I Be the Biggest and Mightiest of All: A Small Lesson in the Idea of Self-Worth

We’ve all met at least one person in our lives who thinks that they the most important, most talented and smartest people around; and they make every possible effort to show that off at all times. I’ve seen so many people telling others in social gatherings, at parties, even seminars and professional events, how the world wouldn’t exist without them and how important and critical they are and how they’re literally holding the whole earth on their “Herculean finger tips”.

What such people don’t understand while being too busy in their self-created bubble of a world where they’re on top and everyone else around them is down below, is that they are actually losing the respect that they’re trying to “create” for themselves.

I am appalled by most people’s high-set standards when it comes to self-worth.

One has no rhyme or reason to over-stress on the importance of their existence in the world by bragging about themselves and what they do. It is when people around you consider you important and worthy of being with, whether in professional or personal settings, is when you’re am actually a worthy being. I could be CEO all day, perfectly handling professional and business affairs, but when I am with my friends, I am a funny, chirpy person who loves to mimic others and have fun. And no, this is not to be confused with having two sides to one’s personality, or being fake. It has to do with realising that no matter how important you are to the world, and how important the work you’re doing is for the existence of mankind, you should never forget to be well-behaved, kind and humble, in all places and at all times.

If you think you’re doing something that could change the world, let people around you appreciate you without you having to do it yourself in front of them. None of us like people who brag or give too much importance to themselves.

“Praise is what you earn from others and not something you can feed to others about yourself”.

Encouraging yourself to do better and be better is one thing, making an unnecessary and incessant public showoff about what you’ve done is only going to deter you from being better (I like how that rhymes!!)

After all, humility and kindness can get you to places you’d never thought you could be in.



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